Utforning started small with a project called AshesArt where we wanted to sell amateur art online, and create an online community for aspiring artists. Utforming entered into a partnership with BeWide Technologies in 2008 and has since 2009 developed websites with their publishing tools - WideCMS.
Utforming is now a local provider of web design, photography and graphic design with subsequent publications in Geilo. National we provide the setup of a content management system, for the web: WideCMS. We also have international customers. (Sweden, Spain, and USA).
We are proud and pleased to be working with several of the most recognized branding agency in Norway (WORK ™, Strømme Throndsen Design, Kreator Communications) and hope this gives you the confidence to contact us regarding your project.
Use this e-mail adress to contact us.
- If you are already a customer, we appreciate your feedback.
Sincerely - Utforming.